2025 Leaders of Polk will be announced on January 22, 2025

2024 Leaders of Polk


Swan Derby is comprised of 3 races and one of these is called the Derby Dash – Featuring the Leaders of Polk. This race is comprised of 10 teams/20 jockeys of whom are hand picked by the current “Mama or Papa Swan” to represent Polk County’s best and brightest, community business leaders.

The Leaders of Polk race jockeys have 2 opportunities to win. Awards and recognition are given to both the winner of the swan race and to the team who raises the most donations for LVIM.  It’s a fun, friendly and competitive way for the leaders to share the mission and to raise money for LVIM. Leaders of Polk Jockeys are announced at our annual press conference held in January.

Fundraising begins 1 month prior to the Derby and will cease 1 week before the Derby event. The dates are determined by the event date. 

If you are interested in becoming a Leaders of Polk jockey, please contact Sonia Glisson at sglisson@lvim.net.




2024 Leaders of Polk Teams

Lindsey Thibodeau and Steve Strickland

Wanna Buy A House

Christine & John Hubbert

Swanna Move It, Move It

Dawn McDonald and Levi Stovall

Sunrise Rotarian

John-Michael Elliott and Richard Eijo

It’s Swan Like Donkey Kong

Adrianna Darr and Ryan Larson

Top Swan

Kaleigh Avian and Audrey Lopez

Two Pens A Ped’ling

Andrea Merritt and Sarah Baylis

Swannadega Nights

Crystal Goffe and Josh Vazquez

Swan Connery 

Reid Reynolds and Tony Reynolds

Like Father, Like Swan 

Ashley Lloyd and Mari Meadows

Girls Just Swanna Have Fun

2024-2025 PAPA SWAN


I was born and raised in Lakeland, FL. I graduated from UCF majoring in Hospitality Management. I managed hotels along the Gulf Coast of Florida before finally finding my passion, Real Estate! I have been a salesperson at Southern Homes, the best builder in Polk County, for the last SIX years! I love to golf (not well), write comedy, root for the Bucs, grill, travel with my wife, and spend time with my friends and family. A couple fun facts about me. I used to average a 226 in my bowling league when I was 12 years old. My little brother is a professional baseball pitcher. I lost Prom King in Highschool by one vote (still waiting on the recount results)

My older brother and I competed in the 2023 Swan Derby and finished 3rd in fundraising! And even though the Derby Dash was a blast, I try and block out which place we finished in the physical race…As Leaders of Polk, my brother and I raised over $15,000 in our fundraising efforts! Being asked to take the reigns as the Papa Swan was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. I had no idea I was going to be so inspired with LVIM’s mission in our community. I’ll never forget taking a tour at LVIM with Sonia and having goosebumps constantly. I remember thinking how impressive it all is and how lucky our community is to have LVIM. I’m aware I have some big shoes to fill as Papa Swan.

Erin was an incredible Mama Swan, but I am up for the challenge! I am looking forward to motivating our upcoming Leaders of Polk to raise as much money as possible this year, and we’re going to have a blast doing it!