Double the Donation
Search for your employer below or check with your HR department to find out if you can do more for our mission with a match through your company TODAY!
Search for your employer below or check with your HR department to find out if you can do more for our mission with a match through your company TODAY!
You can enter your credit card number or your checking account information for a fast, easy and secure donation.
Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine
600 West Peachtree Street
Lakeland, FL 33815
If you are interested in donating a specific item, please visit LVIM’s Amazon Wishlist to see all the items we need!
At LVIM, it costs just $63.53 to provide care for one patient per visit (including the exam, x-rays, lab work and prescriptions). This is less than half the cost of a visit to a private physician.
Consider a monthly gift of this amount to give the gift of good health to Polk County.
It’s quick and easy to start! Just click the Hearts for Healthcare link above and get started today!
LVIM’s Heritage Society recognizes benefactors who have created a legacy of support for LVIM through a bequest provision in their will or other planned gift to sustain and enhance LVIM’s mission. Planned gifts allow donors to consider gifts larger than what would otherwise be possible through everyday income streams. By using estate and tax planning strategies to provide for charity in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor’s estate, planned gifts have the ability to carry out your personal legacy while also sustaining LVIM into the future, thereby giving Polk County’s community members the gift of good health for generations to come.
To discuss your planned giving opportunities with LVIM, please contact Director of Development, Sonia Glisson at or 863-606-1552.
At LVIM, we promise to protect our donor’s privacy. Click here to read our Donor Privacy Statement.
Through your generous support, you are helping us bring high-quality health, dental care, pharmacy and ancillary services to the working uninsured of Polk County while providing retired physicians, clinicians, and professionals opportunities to continue practicing medicine and serving others in a relaxed, caring environment.
Our average cost to provide care for one patient, including the exam and any necessary x-rays, lab work and prescriptions is $54.48 –which is less than half or more of a visit to a private physician which doesn’t include ancillary services or medication.
With $2.1 million in revenue, none of which comes from the Federal Government, LVIM returns almost $9 million in healthcare services to the community. LVIM helps patients solve medical problems before they are insurmountable, keeping patients out of emergency rooms and away from costly medical bills. LVIM’s patients have access to the healthcare they need so they can keep working and taking care of their loved ones.
funds one service encounter for a patient.
funds one dental visit for a patient.
provides labs for 20 patients for one year.
provides a patient with a full set of dentures.
funds 4 laptops for volunteer training.
If you have any questions about Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine fundraising efforts, Please Call:
Sonia Glisson, Director of Development
@ 863-606-1552 (Development Dedicated Line)