More than 33,477 patients
have been served at Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine.
Primary Care
Through the Pharmacy Program, LVIM improves the health and well-being of patients. The majority of LVIM’s patients have chronic or multiple chronic conditions that require multiple patient visits as well as multiple prescriptions and if not properly treated complications can lead to hospitalization or event death. LVIM’s pharmacy carries an array of generic medications and does not deal in any narcotics whatsoever. Additionally, LVIM coordinates prescription assistance through major pharmaceutical companies in order to meet the need of patients who require name-brand drugs or in cases where there is not a generic option. LVIM’s pharmacy program helps patients get well and stay well so they can get back to what is important to them – living life.
Vision Care
Dental Care
Mental Health
There are 48,998 individuals in Polk County who do not have health insurance*; that’s nearly 7% of our total population.
Nearly half of these individuals are adults between the ages of 18 and 64. They are parents, artists, servers, and healthcare workers. They are students, self-employed entrepreneurs, lawn care technicians, and more!
LVIM exists to fill the gap in healthcare coverage for those who are working and uninsured. Our patients do not qualify for government assistance, but cannot afford the price tag of high-cost health insurance premiums.
Whether the company they work for doesn’t offer insurance or their family can’t afford what insurance is offered, families are left with nothing and no backup plan for when things go wrong. Without assistance, families rely on the emergency room as their healthcare provider, and the bills rack up, often resulting in personal bankruptcy. Or, worse, these individuals are caught with few resources and often feel they have no choice but to let chronic illnesses go untreated, often resulting in worse outcomes than if treatment had been available.
That’s where Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine steps in.
*Data provided by Polk County Health and Human Services Indigent Health Care Department
LVIM provides FREE, primary medical, dental, and mental health care to those who are working and uninsured in Polk County, FL.
With the help of more than 5,785 volunteers and 570 volunteer doctors, dentists, and ARNPs, since 2001 LVIM has done the following…
Click below to watch the stories of patients who are the true testimonies
of the LVIM mission and the ‘culture of caring’ here at LVIM.
Brian works part-time at a local library, loves to read, play board and card games, is an amateur writer, and
leads the Dungeons and Dragons teen program at the library. He never thought of his health as a game, but he never imagined that it would cause him so many adversities, at such a young age.
Brian did not have access to health care coverage and when he decided it was time to see a primary care physician, he found LVIM by way of a referral from Polk Healthcare Plan. In early 2015, Brian was seen at LVIM and had his initial blood work done. When he came in for a follow up visit with Emma McMicken, APRN he was immediately diagnosed with hypothyroidism and placed on levothyroxine. He knew then that he had been dealt a bad hand and would have to take some responsibility in his health. It was necessary that he play his cards right by seeing his primary care provider and taking his medications as prescribed. He thought he was still in the game until he had a severe back muscle strain and was struck with the news that he had a significant and concerning spike in his sugar levels and that his blood pressure and cholesterol were too high. His provider presented a treatment plan to which Brian agreed. They would treat the muscle strain with a short term steroid, and he would also have to go on lovastatin to control his cholesterol, and a combination of metformin for lisinopril to help control his blood pressure. It was then Brian decided he needed to take the lead in his health journey and made a commitment to himself to start eating healthier and walking, on a regular basis. He found that this was not as hard as expected and appreciated his own efforts. It didn’t take long for him to start feeling and seeing the positive results as a result of his striving. Since Brian’s original diagnosis’ he has lowered his A1C from 6.9 to 5.5, his triglycerides from 200 to 105 and has lost over 40 pounds! He is now on low, stable doses of all his medications and only has to see his provider every 6 months for routine care. Brian contributes his efforts and winning outcomes to having accessibility to regular, primary care visits, an easy process to refill his medications and the positive environment and encouraging atmosphere the volunteers and staff at LVIM create.
Brian is a true example of how regular medical check-ups, a little self-care and determination can help you live a healthier and happier life..