Celebrating 20 Years!
February marks LVIM’s 20th anniversary of providing FREE, high-quality, and compassionate outpatient medical, dental and mental healthcare to the underserved and indigent, specifically the working uninsured.
At LVIM, the treatment is free. The care is priceless.
Help us celebrate our 20 YEARS and join us for a Virtual Travel Auction! The auction is LIVE and will close at 7 PM on Saturday, February 20th. Click here to bid TODAY.
What if we give YOU the opportunity to support LVIM’s mission and you could bid on a trip of a lifetime? What if we told you that you had THREE YEARS to book and NO blackout dates?
Check back every day this week as we reveal the special opportunities you will have to support LVIM’s mission of providing FREE healthcare to the working uninsured of Polk County over the past 20 Years.
Many are missing the joys of travel during the pandemic. If you could travel anywhere, where would you like to go for your next vacation?
We are going to have some fun in February celebrating our 20th anniversary and we have some surprises planned! Save the date, February 17th, and check back often for clues about what we have planned. Updates will be posted here or you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram.