Today Is Not Like Any Other Day

Today is not like any other day, just like the past two months have not been like any other months. You may be home with family or you may be home alone, but we all have something in common that connects us! As a mental health therapist and grief specialist, I have seen my share of grief ! Grief is described as the loss of something that you love. We have lost the ability to be physically close to our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and co-volunteers! Sounds like grief to me, but the difference is, the loss is continuous and supports are limited. There are no hugs, no pats on the back, no handshakes no gatherings NO PHYSICAL CONTACT! Which amplifies the grief! So, how do we process this peculiar grief? Glad you asked!

1. Set a schedule – Setting a schedule gets you up every day with a goal in mind.
2. Limit your view of the news, maybe 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night, so that you stay informed not consumed!
3. Reach out to a loved one every day, not just text, hear a voice or FaceTime!
4. Go outside daily, sunshine is a natural healer.
5. Do some type of exercise (dance, walk, stretch ) just move the body.
6. Spend a few minutes of quiet time (meditate, pray, sit, knit) not too much sleep!
7. Try to learn something new!
8. Try to eat healthy😄just don’t eat all the virus snacks in one day!
9. Make a list of things that you want to do, when we can get out again!

These are just a few ideas that may help! There is a silverlining at the end of this season!!!

Rica Walker, LMHC
Silverlining counseling